Your tax dollars at work

Very recently we learned that  the Banning Cultural Alliance presented us with a show entitled “Hang the Politicians”. The event featured  the “art” work of Mayor Bob Botts, Council member Don Robinson and former Council member Jenkins .

Bob Botts

Bob Botts

Unfortunately the local press failed to mention a very important detail about this event : The City of Banning , meaning you the taxpayer, was the official “sponsor” of the event ( scroll down to look at the official flyer – on the bottom right it lists the City of Banning as a sponsor).  In other words, public funds were being used to provide a public platform for these “politicians” , a platform that enhanced their public image.

Stated more clearly, this was nothing more than taxpayer funded political propaganda, benefiting Botts and Robinson. Since when can taxpayer funds be used to beat the drum for certain politicians ?  Only  in Banning can one find such abuse.

Don Robinson

Don Robinson

Everyone should wake up to the fact that the Banning Cultural Alliance – just over the last 3 years – has siphoned off about $ 746,000 in taxpayer dollars from the City of Banning.  The use of any of this money remains a mystery – it has never been accounted for.  However, “Hang the politicians” provides us with an answer as to how our tax dollars are being spent, and why it is such a priority  for our “politicians” to continue to provide constant funding to the Banning Cultural Alliance.  It is called :  political campaigning –  at taxpayer’s expense.  Your tax dollars at work !
