Record Gazette Writer Gail Paparian – A Traitor To Banning ?


2/6/17 – The following is Part 2 of our investigation into emails by Record Gazette writer Gail Paparian to City manager Michael Rock (part one can be found by clicking here).

As our analysis will show, the deceptive Record Gazette writer has engaged in insulting a senior citizen, fabricating fake news and even maliciously fomenting a lawsuit against the City of Banning. Her latest emails expose shocking details about what can only be described as a sinister agenda by this “for rent” Record Gazette writer.

In the emails, Paparian, a Sun Lakes resident, not only fiercely trashes an honorable 82-year-old Banning senior, but is also caught fabricating “fake news” which she then publishes in her regular columns as factual, with the declared intent to purposely mislead her readers and to create confusion.

But the true extent of Paparian’s ill will towards our community finds its peak in another email, in which she appears to promote a lawsuit by staff members against the City, a lawsuit that would clearly cause financial havoc for the City.




Insulted by Record Gazette writer Paparian behind his back :82-year long Banning resident Frank Burgess

Back stabbed and insulted by Record Gazette writer Paparian: 82-year-old Banning resident Frank Burgess

There is hardly anyone who has lived in Banning longer and has served the City more than 82-year-old Frank Burgess. Having lived in Banning for over 60 years, Burgess is a living icon : he served 3 terms on the City council  (1970-78, 1980 – 84) and also as a boardmember of the San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital.

Lastly, Burgess was the driving force behind the recent districting of Banning, therewith breaking up the decade long political monopoly Sun Lakes was holding within the City.

As one of Banning’s most accomplished businessmen, Burgess is highly respected in the community. Nevertheless, Gail Paparian has this to say about him :
















Being a Sun Lakes elitist, it only makes sense that Paparian back stabs Burgess, who’s districting efforts have since succeeded and have taken away much of Sun Lakes’ political clout.

This particular email shows us the vicious, heartless methods by which this “for rent” Record Gazette writer operates behind the scenes.

They also show that the one without “class” is not Frank Burgess, but rather sleazy Gail Paparian.




Caught creating Fake News : Record Gazette writer Gail Paparian

Caught manufacturing Fake News : Record Gazette’s Gail Paparian

The following email string shows Paparian asking Michael Rock to confirm that the City’s budget is $84M. She says she wants to be “ABSOLUTELY” certain, because she is about to write another article.

Michael Rock responds by correcting Paparian, stating that the budget is $90M , not $ 84M. Despite receiving this information, Paparian responds that she will use the lower (false) number, and once a confused public disputes her account, she plans on correcting them with the higher (correct) number.

Here is the exchange (read this email thread from the bottom up):




In her subsequent article entitled “Banning has a new Rockstar” (view here) Paparian indeed makes good on her promise : she publishes the budget falsely as $84 million, while the emails show that she knew full well that is was $90 million. According to her own admission, Paparian does so in order to create doubt and confusion among the public. It is her declared goal to prove those who question the lower number wrong.

This conduct of Paparian is highly unethical, as it violates even the most basic rules of journalism: reporting truthfully. Instead, we are being subjected to journalism “Paparian-style”: purposely inaccurate, intellectually dishonest and therefore deceptive reporting. Lies and half truth are thrown out there not just carelessly, but with the specific intent to mislead and confuse.

The above facts should serve as and eye opener for all those who still had hopes to get truthful reporting from Gail Paparian, or the Record Gazette as a whole. CAUTION : “Fake News” !




Maliciously targeted for lawsuit: Council member Don Peterson'

Maliciously targeted for lawsuit: Council member Don Peterson

Probably the most shocking email revelation of all appears to show that Gail Paparian is clearly interested in fomenting a lawsuit by staff members against the City. Why ? The obvious purpose of her ever so malicious desire appears to be to retaliate against councilmember Don Peterson.

Peterson’s consistent stance for transparency poses a threat to a “for rent”, backdoor dealing manipulator like Paparian. She wants to bring down Peterson at all cost, it seems, even if it means causing the City great financial harm.

It is because of Peterson’s often thorough questioning of staff, that Paparian feels compelled to give City manager Rock the following legal advice : “any staff member would have just cause to sue for working in a hostile workplace”.




City manager Michael Rock

City manager Michael Rock

Think about this for a minute. Could it be more obvious that Paparian is wishing to create havoc for the City, by fomenting a lawsuit by not just one, but by multiple employees?

The emails do not show any response by City manager Rock. One would have expected that he would have instantly rejected Paparian’s malicious suggestions and told her that she is off her rocker. But this does not appear to be the case.

Why not ? Is it not the duty of a City manager to shield the City against financial harm ? Could Rock’s lack of response indicate that he may be secretly in agreement with Paparian ? Only time will tell.




The actions of political sleaze Gail Paparian make the Record Gazette appear complicit in the dissemination of fake news in the Pass Area..

The citizens of Banning ought to send the Record Gazette a clear message: we have no use for someone like Gail Paparian. We don’t appreciate her insults towards a highly respected, honorable senior citizen. We don’t appreciate her fake news stories that are meant to deceive and confuse all of us. And lastly, we are offended by the way she maliciously works behind the scenes, trying to cause our City great financial harm by promoting lawsuits.

Gail Paparian’s latest emails have unmasked her as a traitor to Banning.


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